







ITGC SOX: The Foundations and Key Steps For Compliance [Checklist Included]

IT General Controls (ITGCs) are a critical part of SOX compliance to ensure the integrity of financial reports and business practices. ITGC SOX ensures that your organization's IT systems and processes are secure, well-governed, and aligned with your business objectives.

In this article, we'll dive into the details of IT General Controls, explaining what they are and how you can ensure that your organization has the right ITGCs in place to meet your SOX compliance requirements.

Take advantage of the SOX ITGC Checklist to simplify implementation!

Let's get started.

Article updated on January 25th, 2024

What is Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)?

In 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed by the United States Congress to protect shareholders and the general public from accounting errors, incorrect and fraudulent practices in enterprises and improve corporate disclosures' accuracy. As a result, organizations must now record, test, maintain, and review controls impacting financial reporting processes to comply with the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX).

As a result, Section 404 mandates publicly listed firms and those seeking an initial public offering (IPO) to enlist the services of accounting entities for an autonomous evaluation. SOX compliance is not required for nonprofit organizations and private companies.

What is ITGC SOX?

IT General Controls (ITGCs) are a vital part of SOX compliance. Designed to ensure the integrity, security, and confidentiality of financial data, IT controls must protect the outcome of financial statements.

How to define which IT systems should be included in the SOX program?

To define which IT systems should be included in SOX scope, you need to assess the following requirements (at least):

  • If the system processes any data that impacts financial statements;

  • If the system inputs data to other systems processing financial information;

  • If processes related to the system could materially impact financial statements;

  • If changes in the data processed in the system would impact the organization's financial results.

How to secure these controls?

Although SOX doesn't focus on cybersecurity, stakeholders should prioritize security due to the substantial impact of cyber threats on finances and reputation.

The crucial aspect of defining the scope for SOX involves a comprehensive understanding of the processes and systems that genuinely influence financial reporting.

Consider a scenario where a system houses vital customer information, integral for organizational success.

Examples of processes and systems that significantly impact financial statements

  • Inventory Management Systems

Ensuring accurate tracking and valuation of inventory directly affects financial reporting.

  • Billing Systems

Precise billing processes are crucial for revenue recognition and overall financial accuracy.

  • Payroll Processing Systems

Accurate payroll calculations and disbursements have direct implications on financial statements.

  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Systems

Timely and accurate recording of receivables and payables influences the company's financial health.

  • Sales Order Processing Systems

Efficient handling of sales orders is vital for recognizing revenue accurately.

  • Expense Reporting Systems

Proper tracking and reporting of expenses impact the overall financial picture.

  • Fixed Assets Management Systems

Accurate recording and depreciation of fixed assets contribute to financial statement accuracy.

  • Financial Reporting Software

The software itself, responsible for consolidating financial data, is a critical component.

Ensuring that these processes and systems are part of the SOX scope is imperative for a thorough and effective assessment of internal controls related to financial reporting.

SOX ITGC Compliance

A SOX ITGC audit aims to determine whether the ITGCs are adequate to guarantee the integrity, accuracy, and completeness of the financial reporting system. However, to enable seamless SOX compliance initiatives and successful audits, you must do ITGC correctly.

But how?

Organizations must record, test, maintain, and review controls impacting financial reporting processes in order to comply with the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). These internal controls are methods for identifying and preventing errors in corporate operations that could influence the accuracy or integrity of financial reports.

Companies should implement and assess these practices at every stage of the financial reporting cycle. Also, Internal auditors should conduct frequent compliance audits to ensure SOX compliance.

ITGCs focus on the following domains:

  • Access Management

The aim is to guarantee that access to data and programs is only available to approved individuals. A simple example can be a standard user account that is active and has access to sensitive data. Data corruption, deletion, or leakage may occur as a result of unauthorized access to sensitive data if the access provisioned is not monitored and regulated. By the way, check this article to see how you can create value with data quality and GRC.

  • Patch Management

Companies should regularly update applications, systems, and networks, as well as patch vulnerabilities or new features. When users fail to update their programs regularly, they are putting their companies in danger of an attack due to a vulnerability in the unpatched program. Hence, ITGC requires regular updates and persistent monitoring of an organization's applications, systems, and network service-level guarantees.

  • Change Management

The goal of this domain is for application changes to be tested and authorized before they are published for production. Organizations should assess changes to the app regularly. Finally, the development, testing, and production environments are distinct, segregated, and subject to approval.

  • Data Backup

Organizations must perform and manage data backups often and ensure this process follows policies/procedures/best practices.

Monitoring your IT controls is key to reducing risks and keeping your organization safe.

Let's review some examples.

Monitoring IT Controls

Another relevant component of a SOX program is the continuous monitoring of IT controls.

Here are some examples that can put your IT activities and organization at risk:

  • Outdated Application Server: Imagine an application server not updated to match current threats. This exposes the organization's critical data to serious vulnerabilities, similar to leaving a door unlocked in a risky area.

  • Inadequate Access Controls: If every employee could create hidden accounts ('stealth users'), it would pose a massive security risk. This scenario is like giving every person a master key, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive data and financial resources.

  • Obsolete Security Due to Poor Patch Management: Consider a system with outdated security patches, akin to an old, rusted lock. Such negligence can give attackers an easy entry point, allowing them to exploit vulnerabilities, steal data, or destroy crucial intellectual property.

ITGC SOX addresses these vulnerabilities through a structured, regulatory framework that mandates stringent controls and regular audits.

Enhancing ITGC Compliance Through Best Practices:

The following best practices will serve you as a roadmap for enhancing your ITGC compliance.

  • Conducting Regular Audits and Assessments:

Internal auditors play a crucial role in ensuring ongoing SOX compliance. Regular audits help identify potential weaknesses in ITGC and provide opportunities for continuous improvement.

  • Integrating Advanced Technologies:

Utilizing advanced technologies and tools can streamline the ITGC process, making it more efficient and effective. Automation of certain ITGC aspects, like patch management and access controls, can significantly reduce the margin for error and enhance compliance.

  • Training and Awareness:

Educating staff on the importance of SOX compliance and the role of ITGC is crucial. Regular training ensures that employees understand their responsibilities and the impact of their actions on the organization's compliance posture. This awareness is key to fostering a culture of compliance and vigilance throughout the organization.

  • Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:

ITGCs shouldn't be static, they need to evolve with changes in technology, threats, and business processes. Organizations should regularly review and update their ITGC practices to ensure they remain effective and aligned with current compliance requirements and technological advancements.

  • Collaboration Across Departments:

Effective ITGC compliance requires collaboration between IT, finance, and audit departments. This cross-functional approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the risks and controls throughout the organization, leading to more effective compliance strategies. Also, collaboration can help your organization become more agile and prepared.

By focusing on these domains and adopting best practices, organizations can achieve robust ITGC compliance, ensuring the integrity, accuracy, and completeness of their financial reporting systems.

SOX ITGC Checklist

The following checklist can simplify the implementation of IT general controls that are aligned with business objectives and compliance requirements.

The Benefits of ITGC and How GRC Can Help

IT General Controls (ITGC) are essential for the reliable and trustworthy execution of IT infrastructure. From the induction of business-oriented technology to the development of applications covering critical processes such as change management, configuration management, patch management, etc., ITGCs are crucial for today's digital age.

ITGCs can be challenging to understand, develop, execute, and monitor.


Because they should evolve over time as the company's technology changes in order to stay up to date with any new cybersecurity threats that arise. However, different GRC tools, like StandardFusion, can assist you by determining which ITGCs you require or detecting those that are failing and not as effective as they should be.

More importantly, GRC software can help you monitor ITGCs' performance and make the control reviews less painful and more effective. Governance, risk, and Compliance platforms provide a cost-effective and innovative approach to implementing and maintaining these controls. They automate and streamline audit reviews, optimize the process, and assure compliance.

Finally, GRC tools help you achieve concrete benefits through a methodology tailored to your organization's context, procedures, and maturity level. Learn how you can get a customized GRC tool to satisfy your unique GRC needs.

Automate ITGC SOX Auditing with StandardFusion

ITGCs are critical for any business. Companies of all sizes deal with compliance, operational, and security challenges when they don't have ITGCs. These issues not only drain IT departments of time and energy, but they also jeopardize firms' reputations. Implementing ITGCs keeps everyone on track by requiring them to adhere to and work from a single source of truth while safeguarding an organization's valuable data.

StandardFusion will help you establish and manage compliance and information security programs tailored to your organization and workflow. Moreover, StandardFusion's management tools help you automate audits, controls, and policies to ensure ITGC SOX compliance.

Transform Your Compliance Management With StandardFusion

Transform Your Compliance Management With StandardFusion

Transform Your Compliance Management With StandardFusion